PSBT is currently not inviting or considering any proposals for commissioning.


PSBT encourages the production of innovative documentary films and is committed to expanding the constituency of filmmakers within the genre. We strike a balance among starting out filmmakers – including recent graduates – and those with achievements and recognition. 68 per cent of our films are by first-time filmmakers who have not worked with PSBT before. 100 per cent films are independent, with no middlepersons or production companies.

PSBT calls for proposals from independent filmmakers for specific projects and grants, in response to which proposals are invited.

All proposals are reviewed by the PSBT Team and circulated among our Trustees and donor-partners. Based on the collective responses and our expertise, a short list is arrived at. Final commissioning is done based on detailed proposals we invite from those short listed and discussions with the filmmakers.

PSBT is committed to supporting Indian filmmakers, ordinarily resident in India.

By submitting a proposal to PSBT, filmmakers accept our commissioning procedure and the decisions we make as final.


We seek proposals that aim to tell powerful, moving stories while creatively engaging with the film form. We urge filmmakers to propose ideas that derive from their experiences and truly drive them. The Films should allow for a nuanced and in-depth exploration of the subject. They should have empowering perspectives and strong visual language. We discourage simplistic, information driven, pedantic, universalising, information-driven presentations.

A variety of considerations play a role in our short listing: the significance and topicality of the subject; proposed cinematic and intellectual treatment and narrative arc; the articulation of the point of view and central arguments; the filmmaker’s investment in the story; linguistic, regional and gender diversity; a balance between starting out and experienced filmmakers; the past work and interests of the filmmaker; research inputs; budgetary parameters, inter alia.

If a proposal has not been short listed, it does not necessarily mean that it has been ‘rejected’ or found wanting, per se. Every proposal we receive is valuable and a potentially good film, but with our limited resources, like any competitive process, we are forced to choose only a select number to support.