PSBT encourages the production of innovative documentary films and is committed to expanding the constituency of filmmakers within the genre. We strike a balance among first-time filmmakers, students of recognised media institutions – including recent graduates, women filmmakers and those with achievements and recognition in related fields. 67 per cent of our Films are by first-time and starting out filmmakers; usually, more than two thirds have not worked with PSBT before; almost 50 per cent by women and 100 per cent independent – no middlepersons or production companies.

Our commissioning procedure is transparent. All proposals are circulated amongst our Trustees and donor partners. Based on their comments and our expertise, a short list is arrived at. Final commissioning is done based on detailed proposals we invite from those short listed and discussions with the filmmakers.

A variety of considerations play a role in our short listing: the significance and topicality of the subject; its appropriateness; linguistic, regional and gender diversity; a balance between first time and experienced filmmakers; the proposed treatment and budgetary parameters, inter alia. If your proposal has not been short listed, it does not necessarily mean that it has been ‘rejected’ or found wanting, per se. Every proposal we receive is valuable and a potentially good film, but with our limited resources, we are forced to choose only a select number to support.

PSBT actively engages in commissioning and supervision of the production of films in a transparent, credible and professional manner. Any attempts to influence the process lead to disqualifications. We also discourage filmmakers from seeking to meet PSBT while their proposal is under consideration, to ensure a level playing field.

While we usually encourage filmmakers to submit proposals when there is an active call for proposals, we are always open to exceptional proposals, in particular, topical ones. If you feel you have something exciting to propose, please submit your Proposal by filling the Preliminary Proposal Form.

By submitting a proposal to PSBT, you accept our commissioning process and the decisions we make as final.

PSBT is committed to supporting Indian filmmakers, ordinarily resident in India.