Naach Bhikhari Naach by Jainendra Kumar Dost and Shilpi Gulati
The Film captures the lives of four Launda Naach performers, originally a part of Bhikhari Thakur's legendary Naach troupe in Bihar. It weaves the journey of a folk tradition that along with song, dance and drama, includes the practice of female impersonation by male actors. As the protagonists narrate their life stories, they provide an insight into the politics and aesthetics of the works of "the old man" - the "Shakespeare of Bhojpuri".
Jakarta, Indonesia (Award)
Boston, USA (Award)
Delhi, India (Award)
Seoul, South Korea
Burlington, Canada
Moscow, Russia
Kathmandu, Nepal
Varanasi; Allahabad; Patna; Delhi, Goa; Kolkata; Gorakhpur; India
Shilpi Gulati is a Delhi based filmmaker whose body of work largely engages with gender, identity and oral narratives of regional communities in India. Her films Qissa-e Parsi and Taala te Kunjee have won National Awards. Shilpi is also an actor and workshop facilitator with Pandies' Theatre Group that works on creating theatre with women and young adults.
Jainendra Kumar Dost's work examines the social and political realities of Launda Nach and Bhikhari Thakur's folk theatre in Bihar. His theoretical inquiry closely ties into his experience as a theatre practitioner over two decades of experience. Jainendra is also the Director of Bhikhari Thakur Repertory Training and Research Centre, which work towards the revival of folk theatre in Bihar.
- Cinematographer: Udit Khurana
- Sound Recordist: Varun Venugopal
- Editor: Shilpi Gulati
- Music: Bhikhari Thakur Repertory
- Researcher: Jainendra Dost
- Translators: Lourdes Mary Supriya, Jainendra Dost
- Assistant Director: Vishwa Gulati
- Project Partner: Doordarshan
Festival, screening and distribution queries: distribution@psbt.org