PSBT Film Challenge 2020

Calling all film aficionados – here’s a great opportunity to make a film and compete for an award!

The pandemic has changed all our lives – but can you put together a story that is unique to you?

You’ve known PSBT as the foremost organisation in the country to support documentaries. But now that we’re in the middle of the ‘new normal’, we’re trying to experiment as well.

And so comes an unusual project – the PSBT Film Challenge 2020, where we want you to pick up your cameras (it could be your mobile cam too!) and tell your stories about your covid experience.

We’ve relaxed our usual rigid technical  requirements – your films just need to be in HD and have passable audio quality.

So what are you waiting for? Make some exciting films and send them to us!

Submission Process

The registration for the PSBT Film Challenge 2020 will be online.

Professional Category Participants can fill the form here.

Amateur Category Participants can fill the form here.

What is the PSBT Film Challenge?

The Challenge invites Indians to participate in a filming challenge – both professional filmmakers who make films for a living, and amateurs who would like to, or have already begun to explore the audio-visual medium to express themselves.

The idea behind the challenge is to create a record of this unusual time, and to invite cinematic reflections on this new reality that has forced all of us to reconsider our choices and lives.

We hope that this call will challenge people to look at the new changed realities through the camera and create their own interpretations of them.

Is there any entry fee?

No, there is no entry fee.

What are the technical standards?

We want to encourage more and more people to submit their entries, and to use whatever technology that is most easily available to them. Therefore, we welcome all entries, just as long as they are in HD, and have good audio. We welcome films shot on mobiles and small camera.

Are there any themes that the Challenge is looking for in particular?

We are looking for films that reflect on life post the pandemic, which could be through different lenses – including Gender & Sexuality, Mental Health, Environment/ Climate Change, Education, Work, Livelihoods/ Neighbourhoods. Further, we are looking for stories of compassion, struggles, loss, triumphs and the idea of our interconnectedness as people.

However, these are merely indications – we look forward to receiving the filmmakers’ unique perspectives on ‘Life in the time of Covid’.

Where/ how will my films be screened?

The award winning films will be uploaded for public viewing on the PSBT Vimeo page for 1 year. Applicants must hold the rights to their films and be authorized to allow PSBT to upload and exhibit their films online, if selected.

What should be the length of the films?

The films can be anything between 1 to 10 minutes.

How will the films be judged?

PSBT is putting together a 2-step process of selection. First, a Selection Committee will select the best entries. Next, the Jury will determine the best films and award prizes.

What are the awards for the winners?

Awards will be prize money, transferred to Indian accounts only. We will require PAN numbers and a government issued proof of identity.

S.No. Category Prize Money (Professional)


Prize Money (Amateur)


Life in the time of COVID
1 Gold – BEST FILM (Non-fiction) 150,000 100,000
2 Gold – BEST FILM (Fiction) –
FUR Gold Lotus
150,000 100,000
FUR Gold Lotus
100,000 75,000
4 Silver 75,000 50,000
5 Bronze 50,000 35,000
6 Technical Excellence 30,000 25,000
7 Jury Award for film from Non-Metros 35,000 25,000
8 FUR Lotus

Pro: 50,000 x 2 +Amateur 35,000 x 2

100,000 70,000
9 Jury

Pro 40,000 x 4 Amateur 30,000 x 4

160,000 120,000


Filmmaking Grants Upto Rs 3 lakhs each

How should I choose my category?

If you make films professionally, please apply under the professional category. If you do not make films professionally, please apply under the amateur category. Misrepresentation may lead to a cancelation of award.

What is the undertaking that the form contains?

In order to submit either of the forms, all applicants must agree to an undertaking. Without agreeing to the undertaking, applications will not be accepted. Please read the undertaking carefully before agreeing to it, and submitting the form.

Why is there an award for films from non-metros? Does it mean that the filmmaker has to be from a non-metro, or that the film subject should be from a non-metro?

We want to encourage filmmakers from non-metros to apply and share their perspectives on ‘Life in the time of COVID’. It is our small attempt at promoting diversity. Metros will include Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore and Kolkata.