Hindu Nectar by Akanksha Joshi
A daughter's journey, distilling the nectar of the stories and songs she heard as a child, weaving ancient texts in the fabric of modern life, rediscovering the land of her childhood. The Film creates an experiential rendering of one of the earth's oldest spiritual traditions.
Suva, Fiji (Award)
Prayag; Haridwar; India
Akanksha Joshi is a story-teller who uses film, sound, dance to share her experiences of the visible and inner worlds. She is the recipient of many awards for cinematography and direction and has won a nomination for the Wild Screen Awards at Bristol. She continues to be a one woman film company, who films, edits, scripts and directs herself.
- Cinematographer, Editor and Script Writer: Akanksha Joshi
- Sound Recordist: Vipin Rai
- Sound Designer: Pratik Biswas
- Music Composer: Chinmaya Dunster
- Additional Music: Thomas Mahler
- Singers: Sandeep Srivastav, Sukriti Sen
- Project Partner: External Publicity and Public Diplomacy Division
Festival, screening and distribution queries: distribution@psbt.org