Until Space Remains: The Dalai Lama and India by Gaurav Saxena
The Dalai Lama has often described India as the Guru of the Tibetan people. Today, that role in many ways has been reversed. He and the Tibetan people have been in exile in India since 1959 and their story continues to be one of the most significant success stories of a displaced community. The Film explores this remarkable relationship.
Patna, India (Award)
Madrid, Spain
Chicago, USA
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Thiruvananthapuram; Thrissur; Varanasi; India
Gaurav Saxena trained in television production and direction at USA. Thereafter, he worked as a screenwriter, director and producer on independent film projects in India, Germany and USA. His film Rangzen premiered at Berlinale, was nominated for Crystal Bear, won the Best International Short and Best Film at Raindance Festival and has screened at various film festivals, the world over.
- Cinematographers: Ankit Arya, Danish Jamshed, Shaanib Bakshi, Shreya Gupta, Pasang Tashi
- Sound Recordists: Gautam Nair, Rinku, Ranjit Kumar Gupta
- Editor: Tinni Mitra
- Project Partner: Doordarshan
Festival, screening and distribution queries: distribution@psbt.org