A Safe Person to Talk to by Navdeep Sharma
Narrated through the voice of a young person from a progressive South Delhi school, straddling the binary worlds of genders, the Film demonstrates the importance of a supportive environment created by adult and peer allies.
Pune, India (Award)
Philadelphia, USA
Colombo, Sri Lanka
London, UK
Thiruvananthapuram; Chennai; Kochi; Bangalore; Delhi; Kolkata; India
Navdeep Sharma studied English Literature before training in documentary filmmaking at AJK MCRC, Jamia. His consistent interest in exploring issues surrounding gender expression and identity, sexuality and gender justice is reflected in the choice of themes for his work both as practitioner and media researcher. His films include Finding Juliana in Delhi/ Dilli and River, Interrupted.
- Cinematographers: Abhishek Anid Dutta, Navdeep Sharma
- Editor, Sound Designer: Navdeep Sharma
- Sound Recordists: Aftab, Asheesh Pandya
- Project Partner: Human Capability Foundation
Festival, screening and distribution queries: distribution@psbt.org