And you thought you Knew me by Pramada Menon
Told through the stories of five People Assigned Gender Female at Birth (PAGFB), set against the backdrop of Delhi, a tapestry of images and metaphors, that invites one to re-engage with and rethink the notion of the other, the ‘sexual deviant’
Sydney, Australia
Stuttgart, Germany
Seattle, USA
Yangon, Mynamar
Calcutta; Bangalore; Chennai; Delhi; India
Pramada Menon is a queer feminist activist who has diverse interests and multiple identities. She has worked in the women’s rights and social justice field for more than two decades and is the Co-Founder of CREA, a feminist human rights organisation based in New Delhi. This is her debut film
- Cinematographers: Sushmit Ghosh, Uma Tanuku, Manak Matiyani
- Location Sound Recordist: Uma Tanuku
- Editor: Vishal Chauhan
- Sound Designer: Asheesh Pandya
- Project Partner: Doordarshan
Festival, screening and distribution queries: distribution@psbt.org