Jasoosni - Look who's Watching You! by Anandana Kapur
Extra marital affairs. Missing persons. Corporate espionage. A newbie in her twenties, two mid-career entrepreneurs who don disguises and conduct stings, a freelancer who isn't shy of using sex, a corporate honcho whose phone never stops ringing, along with a retiree who battled prejudice to become India's first known woman detective - an intimate reflection on women in the business of intelligence.
Moscow, Russia
Stuttgart, Germany
Seattle, USA
Pondicherry; Delhi; India
Anandana Kapur is a filmmaker and co-founder of CINEMAD. Her films have received critical acclaim globally and are a part of courses on Gender Justice, Social Development and Innovation. A recipient of the Fulbright-Nehru and Shastri India Canadian Institute Fellowships, Anandana teaches Documentary Practice and Researching Media and Culture and writes on cinema and popular culture.
- Cinematographer: Karan Thapliyal
- Sound Recordists: Balkishan Diwaker, Bhagwat Ram
- Editor: Subhash Bhanwala
- Music Composers: Vivek-Abhishek
- Researchers: Anandana Kapur, Rachit Sai Barak
- Video Graphics Designer: Subhash Bhanwala
- Art Designer: Shabd Kumar
- Body Artist: Dilip Kumar Chanda
- Makeup Artists: Aina Pathak, Kapil Pathak
- Project Partner: Doordarshan
Festival, screening and distribution queries: distribution@psbt.org