Songlines by Vasudha Joshi
An exploration of blues notes in folk music across India.
Leipzig, Germany
Montpellier, France
Doha, Qatar
Thrissur; Guwahati; Asanang; India
Vasudha Joshi was a TV journalist and has been making documentaries for over two decades, which include Voices from Baliapal (National Award and Golden Conch), Follow the Rainbow, (Valais Award, Geneva) Mahila Samakhya, UP (Silver Conch), For Maya (Anandalok Editor’s Choice Award) and Girl Song (International Association of Women in Radio and Television Awards), among others.
- Cinematographer: Ranjan Palit
- Editor: Tarun Bhartiya
- Sound Designer and Mixer: Julius I Basaiawnoit
- Project Partner: Doordarshan
Festival, screening and distribution queries: distribution@psbt.org