The Books we Made by Anupama Chandra and Uma Tanuku
The Film is inspired by the work of Urvashi Butalia and Ritu Menon, who co-founded the first feminist publishing house in India: Kali for Women. It looks back on thirty years in publishing and focusses on the feminist politics and friendships that make this survival possible.
Trivandrum, India (Award)
Madrid, Spain
Kathmandu, Nepal
Seoul, South Korea
Mumbai; Delhi; Thrissur; India
Anupama Chandra is a film editor, director and teacher. She graduated with a diploma in Film Editing from the Film and Television Institute of India, Pune, and has degrees in English Language and Literature from the Universities of Oxford and Delhi. She has worked as an editor on several films over the last many years. This film is her first directorial venture.
Uma Tanuku is a line producer and filmmaker. A graduate in Business Management and Foreign Trade, after working in international trade for over 15 years, she studied Direction at the Film and Television Institute of India. She has been with many documentary films that have been screened at national and international festivals. She has been Co-Director of the IAWRT Asian Women’s Festival for three years and Director for one.
- Cinematographer: Desmond Roberts
- Location Sound Recordists: UmaDevi Tanuku, Varun Sharma
- Editor: Anupama Chandra
- Sound Designers: Asheesh Pandya, Gissy Michael
- Project Partner: Doordarshan
Festival, screening and distribution queries: distribution@psbt.org